Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Stuffin' Muffins! And Turkey Stock (I will add pictures later)

I had the honor of helping my mom with the "stuffing" for as long as I can remember, I really loved it!  Then I started cooking more and more for my family and my mom cooked less and less because it was just her and Dad for most days.  So slowly I started to take over the Holiday cooking.  I always made my mom's "stuffing" the way she made it, until I started getting more brave in the kitchen.  Now I have made it my own and this is how I do it!

You could totally cut this recipe in half, this will feed 10-15 people


4 lb Italian Turkey Sausage
4 tbsp Oil (I used grape seed oil)
3/4 lb Diced Pancetta
3 Yellow Onions Diced
2 Leeks Diced
2 Heads of Fennel Diced
2 Hearts of Celery Diced
1/4 c Fresh Sage Minced
1 tbsp Fresh Thyme Minced (Leaves only, save the stems for the stock.)
1 tbsp Fresh Rosemary Minced (Leaves only, save the stems for the stock.)
1c Fresh Parsley Minced (Leaves only, save the stems for the stock)
8 Cloves of Garlic Minced
16 oz Butter (Don't judge, it's Thanksgiving!)
1 1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Black Pepper
1 tsp Dried Cooking Lavender (Optional, but it works so well with the sage and fennel seeds in the sausage)
1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
1 tsp Dry Tarragon
3 Gala Apples Diced
2 or 3 loaves of your favorite Bread that is cut into 3/4" cubes (Corn Bread, Sour Dough, Challah, White, Wheat, all would work beautifully)
4 c Turkey Stock (C'mon, make your own, it is much easier than you think! I will post that recipe at the bottom of this one)

What to Do:

1.  The Night Before Thanksgiving, dice up the Bread and lay it out on a Sheet Pan in a Single Layer and put it in your oven.  Do Not Turn The Oven On!  Just let it sit there and get stale.  Leave it there until you are ready to mix up your Stuffin'.

A Few Days Before Thanksgiving:

1.  Saute all the Turkey Sausage and a pinch of Salt and Pepper in 2 tbsp Oil over Medium-Medium High Heat until completely cooked.
2.  Remove the Turkey Sausage and set aside.
3.  In the same pot, lower the heat to Medium then add 2 tbsp Oil and Diced Pancetta.  Cook until Crispy. About 7-8 minutes.
4.  Remove the Crispy Pancetta into the same bowl as the Turkey Sausage and set aside.
5.  Leaving all the yummy fat from the Pancetta in the pot, add 2 Sticks (8 oz) of Butter, and also the Onions and Leeks.  Add a pinch of Salt and Pepper.
6.  Let the Onions and Leeks get translucent and delicious- about 7-10 minutes.
7.  While this is happening, dice the Celery Hearts and mince the Garlic and Fresh Herbs.  Add to the Onions and Leeks in the pot.  Add a pinch of Salt and Pepper.
8. Add the rest of the Butter, the Dried Herbs and the Cinnamon.
9. Stir in the Pancetta and Turkey Sausage and let it all get yummy and Delicious! 10-15 minutes
10. Add the Apples when you are ready to turn off the heat, you don't want them to turn into mush.

The Day of Thanksgiving:

1.  Preheat the oven to 350 Degrees
2.  Warm up the Turkey Sausage mixture and taste to make sure it doesn't need a little bit more Salt and Pepper.
3.  Put all the Bread Cubes into a ginormous bowl.
4.  Get ready to get dirty!  Remove all watches, bracelets, rings and fake fingernails! 
5.  Add the Turkey Sausage mixture to the Ginormous Bowl and stir it all up with your hands. (This is also fun for your kids to do, but make sure they have Really washed their hands!)
6. Using a large Ice cream Scoop, scoop out the Stuffin' into a Greased Muffin Tin.  
7.  Bake until crispy and golden brown!
8.  Serve with dinner instead of rolls (save the rolls for the next day to make Turkey Sandwiches!)

Turkey Stock


3 Turkey Wings + the Giblets from the Turkey
2 Whole Carrots (no need to peel)
3 Stalks of Celery
1 Purple Onion Quartered
1 Head of Garlic Halved
1 Cinnamon Stick
3 Whole Cloves
10-15 Pepper Corns
1 Star Anise Pod
Stems from 1 Bunch of Parsley
2 Bay Leaves
3 Sprigs of Thyme
1 Large (about 8 inches or 2 4 inch) Stems of Rosemary
1 tsp Dry Tarragon
3 whole Allspice Balls
6qt water

What to do:

1.  Put the Turkey on a Sheet Pan and Roast in a 400 Degree Preheated Oven, for 30 minutes.
2.  Remove the Turkey and add it to a large Stock Pot (add all the yummy drippings from the pan)
3.  Add all the veggies, spices and herbs and water.
4.  Let boil for 3-6 hours... The longer the better.
5. Strain and freeze or use right now and freeze what you don't use.

I told you this was easy!

Did you notice that I didn't add salt?  I don't like to do that because I want to control all of my own salt while I cook.  

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Marinated Wild Caught Ahi Tuna Steaks and Salad Dressing.

I was asked by some friends to start posting more Arbonne 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge Recipes. MISSION ACCEPTED! 

I love a really good Tuna Steak.  I used to shy away from cooking fish because I thought it was difficult.  It isn't really, just play around with it and you will find out how easy it is!

I made this the other day and it was wonderful!  I got the Wild Caught Ahi Tuna Steaks from my local Trader Joe's.  They were in the freezer section and they came in a 2 Steak Pack.  Thank goodness because the second steak was just as wonderful the next day.  

Recipe for Marinade

7 Stems of Fresh Thyme (Pulled from the Stem)
2 Garlic Cloves (Minced with the Thyme Leaves)
1 Tablespoon Black Pepper
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
1/8 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper (Totally optional, but really good)
Juice of 1 Lemon About 1/4 cup
1/3 Cup Olive Oil

Combine all of these ingredients in a dish with sides for marinating.  Whisk all of the ingredients together and add the Ahi Steaks.  Let marinate for 15 minutes, flipping the steaks half way through.  Don't marinate for longer or the acids in the lemon juice will cook the Ahi and you will have Civiche.  When you cook the steaks, discard the marinade.

At this point, you can grill, sear, or roast the Ahi in the oven.

This time, I chose to put the Ahi Steaks in a Cast Iron Skillet.   I seared them on high for 7 minutes on one side and then 4 minutes on the other side.  I prefer my Ahi to be rare in the middle.  You can cook it longer on each side if you prefer it to be more well done, but please don't exceed a total of 20 minutes.  You will over cook the fish.

After cooking the steaks, like any other meat of any kind, let the fish rest for at least 15 minutes.  This will guarantee that the steak will be moist and flavorful.

Isn't it pretty?  Slice and serve over Salad, Quinoa or Roasted Veggies.  I would love to hear if you have a different idea for this beauty!

I also wanted to share with you a very simple Salad Dressing that I use all the time, while on the 30 Day or not!  I will also include some different variations.

Salad Dressing

In a jar with a lid or a small container that has a tight seal combine:

Juice of 1 Lemon (or 2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar, Balsamic Vinegar, Orange Juice or infused vinegar)
1 Minced Garlic Clove (or Minced Shallots, Red Onion, Jalapeno)
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
1 Pinch of Cayenne Pepper
1 Teaspoon Black Pepper
2 Stems of Thyme with Leaves pulled off (or minced Basil, Rosemary, or Tarragon)
1/2 Cup Olive Oil (or Grape Seed Oil, or Avocado Oil)

If you like to include your kids in the kitchen, let them shake this up!  This is a great dressing to serve over Roasted Veggies, Quinoa, Salad or as a marinade for Chicken, Beef, Pork or Fish.  Explore different flavors.  Some will be wonderful and some will be not so great.  That's the beauty of cooking!  Have fun!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Guacamole and Salsa (Both Arbonne 30 Day Clean Eating Friendly)

I have been working on my guacamole game for a long time.  When I started cooking I used the packet that you can buy at the market that "seasons" the avocado's.  Then I read the ingredients in the packet and eew, there were so many items in the packet that I couldn't pronounce, I didn't want to give that to my family.  So, for years now, I have been working on the perfect batch of "Guac" and I think I have finally done it!  Very simple, very fresh, totally delicious!  Here's how you can do it!


1 cup finely chopped Cilantro
1 Fresno Pepper (remove all the seeds) minced 
1 Jalapeno Pepper (remove all the seeds) minced (or 2 Jalapeno Peppers minced if you can't find a Fresno Pepper)
3 garlic cloves finely minced (really small, you don't want a mouth full of garlic, you just want a hint)
1/2 Purple (or Red) Onion finely minced
1 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Black Pepper
Juice of 2 Limes
4 Avocado's

Throw everything into a bowl and smash with either a spoon or a potato smasher. (I prefer the smasher)  Get out all of your aggression!  Stir well, making sure you get everything from the bottom of the bowl.  I suggest that you taste the Guac with the chips that you will be serving along side, that way, you will get the salt from the chips and you won't make the salsa too salty.  Enjoy!

Now the Salsa.  I mean, what goes with chips and guac better than some great salsa?  I have a feeling that you will enjoy how easy this recipe is.  Here's how to do it!  


Throw all these ingredients in a blender or a food processor.

1 pint Cherry Tomatoes
1 cup fresh Cilantro (leaves only)
1/2 Purple (or Red) Onion
The juice of 2 Limes
1 Jalapeno Pepper ( that has been seeded)
2 stalks of Celery
1 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Black Pepper

Whir all of this up until it is to the chunkiness that you prefer.  

If you are on the Arbonne 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge and the tortilla chips aren't part of the program, this will taste great with chips made from Brown Rice Tortillas, or Celery, Cucumbers, or carrots! 

Making chips out of Brown Rice Tortillas is super easy!

1.  Stack all of the Tortillas neatly on a cutting board
2.  Cut them in half using a large knife or a pizza cutter.
3.  Stack the halves on top of each other and cut the tortillas into 1-1 1/2 inch strips.
4.  Place the strips into a dry pan (no oil).  Have the burner on at Medium Heat.
5.  THIS IS NOT A GOOD TIME TO DO ANYTHING ELSE, these chips will burn if you aren't watching them.
6.  Flipping repeatedly, cook the chips until they are crispy and light brown.

These chips don't last long at all. So cook only what you will eat at that moment, this will also help with mindless snacking.  

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Smoked Turkey Legs... Yup, they're better than the ones at Disneyland!

That's right, I said it.  Disneyland ain't got nothin on these Turkey Legs!  

First thing's first, when you are going to make these little beauties, don't get the ginormous legs that look like they came from an Emu.  Choose the Turkey legs that one person can finish without needing a second stomach.  Another good reason why you should have a great relationship with your butcher.  You can always ask if they have what you want in the back, or they can order it for you.

The Brine that I use, I got from my Grandpa.  This is the brine that he uses for all of his Turkey.  I honestly don't remember him brining chicken in anything other than in buttermilk, but I think this would be lovely for chicken or pork too!

These babies need to relax in the brine for 24 hours- 72 hours.  So, plan ahead.

The Brine

1 orange cut in half and the juice squeezed into the brining container
2 Tbsp Fresh Rosemary (on or off the stem, it doesn't matter)
3 Cloves of Fresh Garlic that have been smashed
3/4 Cup Salt
1 Cup Brown Sugar
2 Tbsp Peppercorns
2 Whole Bay Leaves
1 Cinnamon Stick
1 Tbsp whole Juniper Berries (found in the dry spice aisle in your market)
2 Cup Apple Juice
1 Gallon of water 

In a large pot combine the Rosemary, Garlic, Salt, Brown Sugar, Peppercorns, Bay Leaves, Cinnamon Stick, Juniper Berries and water.  Simmer until the Sugar and salt have been dissolved. Let cool for 30-45 minutes.

Depending on how many Turkey Legs you will be Smoking, (I suggest one per person) that will help you determine how big of a resealable container you will need.  An unscented trash bag in a cooler with ice works too, just don't forget about refreshing the ice periodically.

Add the Brine, the Orange and the Apple Juice into the Brining Container with about 8 Cups of ice.  You have to be sure that you don't poach the Turkey Legs... That would be sad.  

Your Smoker:  

Are you one of the lucky few that have a smoker?  No?  Do you have a grill?  Yes?! You can turn your grill into a smoker totally easy!  In your gas grill you can use a Smoker Box.  Before I had Bertha (my Big Green Egg) I used a Smoker Box like this in my Gas Grill:

You can get one for really cheap at Amazon.com, or even at your local Hardware Store.  Just fill it up with some Wood Chips (mesquite is my favorite) that have been soaked in water for about 15 minutes and put it on your grill on the one side that you will have the burner on and there you have it!   

If you have a charcoal grill, like a Weber, all the better!  Here is a link with some great instructions on how to Smoke on your Charcoal Grill.  

Now, back to the Turkey Legs!  After they have brined for your desired time, you have the option of rinsing the legs off or just throwing your legs on the smoker.  Either way is fine by me, you might get different answers with whomever you speak to.

Bring your smoker to 250 degrees (It helps to have an Oven Thermometer for this.  The temperature is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT when smoking anything, you get this by only using one burner on gas stoves and adjusting the vents on a Weber grill), try to not inhale when you open your smoker. Make sure you have a small metal pan with water in it in your grill.  This will ensure that your items that you are smoking won't get dried out.

Smoke the Turkey Legs at 250 for 4 hours.  Then use a Meat Thermometer to check the internal temperature.  The internal temperature of any Turkey when cooked is 165 degrees.  BUT! When you cook meat and let it rest with a little foil on top, the meat will continue to cook about 5-10 more degrees, so I would PULL THE LEGS OFF AT 158 DEGREES, THEN WRAP IN FOIL FOR AT LEAST 20 MINUTES.  Here's what the finished product should look like:

The skin gets really tough, so to eat the meat, you might want to peel the skin off when you sit down to eat.

I hope you were inspired by this post.  I hope you now know that you don't need an expensive smoker to smoke meat, fish or vegetables!  Have fun!  Play with your food, you might be surprised by what you create!  Cheers